Page 41 - Mather1930SB
P. 41

COACH HARLOW- ELECTED                                                     TERROR BOXERS BATTLE
                                                                            WAY TO SECOND PLACE
                                              BOX I N                  G  TERROR CHAMPIONS RETAIN
   Richard C. ( 'Dick") Harlow, West- -~
                                                                    ~     INTERCOLLEGIATE TITLES
ern Maryland's Direc.tor of Athletics and
Head Coach of boxing and football was        0 L LEG I ATE                                                       :ll of'  ~ ee~=:ll~ "'~,.1:g+l"'"" rIJ
ele1c1 ted. president of the Eastern Inter-
co egiatc Boxing Association at a meet-                                                                          C,)~
ing of that body in Philadelphia on
March 22. The mentor of phenomenally                                                                             ~ ~ -o ~ I'< ~ ..::l

~uccessfUl Green Terror teams succeeds                                                                           '~8 g8 "88 ~
  corge B. Thurston of Syracuse Univer-                                   £~ ~~ ~~ ~TEAM
                                                                                                                          i1          i~
sity as chief executive of the Associa-                                   ~ee~~el'~tl£:l.ylnl1d ~
tion which is affiliated with the National
Collegiate Athletie Association.                                          Naval Academy                          21 2 21 1131

                1N T ERe                                                  NGeowrgeYtoowrkn U..U.                          i i1 1      4

                                                                          u. of Penn.

                                                                          gyrucuse U.

                                                                          ------ro-rr--1_:111:..;::..,· 1. -=;_T.

L           CAPT. TED KLEPAC , '31                                          DOUG CROSBY, '31

   claIsnstercoElleg' ia t e champio..n 1U the 160-pouud                                     . in the 135-pound
   frOlll' W'I;ltered Western Maryland in 1927               Intercollegiate champlOn M land in 1927
   only 0 I ,.es-Barre, Pennsylvania. Defeated            division. Entered Western I arUYndefeatedin
   boxer ~ce m two years. First Intercollegtatc           from Annapo II·S H'IglI Schoo. tition Secon d
   ha vin 0 hold !l; title in more than one class,        two years of dual-meet ~Ol:~a his' intercol-
   divis.g bleell bng of the light-heavyweight
                                                          boxer in tho country t . i ht
          ion ast year.                                   legiate title for two years stla g -
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