Page 42 - Mather1930SB
P. 42
ath!etkJ " CHARLIE' , HAVENS
FOOTBALL Gr"eCenharTlie" Ha vens, center of the
errors ' W as eIected Friday af
SOCCER ternoon to '1 -
Havens plot the 1929 football team
BOXI c succeeds C· .
"Eh.Ja~v!1'T, aptain Orville E.
,J J.."{-eaJ.
Gymnasium Equipment
The captain-el t .
The marriage of Miss Faith Hopkins the best cente ~c IS rated as one of
)Iillard to Mr. John Howard Reinhardt teams find it rs In the st ate.
took place on Saturday, Odober 12, at
the hI,,]! of the bride at Billgha .·'{'to!I, his sector o~ :herYIh' ard to gain through
New York. Only the immediate famil· , e me.
ie were present at the ceremony. Mr.
and )Irs. Reinl1ardt will be at home af·
ter October 15 at Mountain Lake
Park, :hlaryland.