Page 28 - Contrast2012
P. 28

He rolls out of bed five minutes before class.
Throws on a somewhat clean shirt,
slips on some intentionally ripped jeans,
hops into some flip flops, even though it's February,
slaps a flannel shirt on top of all that
then it's out the door.

Gotta get that "up all night" look just right.
After all everyone knows how buried in homework College Kid is.
He always keeps everyone on Facebook informed about
how he has no time for anything but essays.

College Kid's dorm is only ninety seconds away from the classroom.
College Kid always saunters into class a minute late.

Yep, there goes College Kid.
Off to read a fascinating article on Reddir,
Or to jam those four chords on his guitar with fellow musicians,
Or to drink his favorite liquore, (he's something of an alcohol expert),
Or to shop for some new old clothes,
Or protest negligence toward Brazilian pygmy tamarins,
Or to view the newest black and white French film that has an ironic
Or to go to bed at 4 a.m. after surfing the web, then complain about
sleep deprivation,

Or to write an angry poem about people who annoy him .,.

Oh, dammit.

26 I contrast
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