Page 14 - Contrast2008
P. 14

bible, and a small cross stitch she had done of
the poem "Footsteps," but nothing as satisfy-
ing as peanuts. Her storm begins to calm, and
she realizes that peanuts mean nothing when
compared to the message of the Lord. The
mere knowledge she has of God and religion is
worth so much more than any amount of pea-
nuts. She pulls out her small pad of paper that
she keeps in her purse in case she has to write
something down in order to pray for it later.
With pen in hand, she carefully scribbles, "Je-
sus Saves!" She thinks about adding one of the
many verses she has memorized, but decides
 that this maxim will suffice. Very slowly she
 positions herself within striking distance of the
 red leather treasure chest, -and makes sure not
 to budge the sleeping girl. The girl is sleeping
 like she is straight Out of a movie. There are no
 snores. Her mouth is closed, and there is even

 a hint of a smile.

        The bag has a magnetic snap, which is
 great because any other bag might have been
 difficult or made too much noise. She gently
 pulls it open, and there it is. The silver foil bag
 shines in the glow of the overhead reading light
  attracting her like a fisherman's lure. She grabs
  it quickly, almost making enough noise to wake
  the girl, but she is undetected. With peanuts in
  hand, she leaves the note and prepares to enjoy
  the fruit of her labor. Before she eats she takes a
  moment to say grace, and thank the Lord for al-
  lOWingher to spread the message of Jesus while
  enjoying a pack of peanuts at the same time. A
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