Page 30 - Contrast2007
P. 30

There's a Run in Grandma's Stocking

                                                     Martin Camper

                  Grandma has a run in her stocking
                  that goes all the way
                  to her ankle
                  to the Chesapeake Bay
                  that flows uphill
                  and spills into her frying pan cooking crab cakes,
                  into her pot boiling over.
                  Grandma has a run in her stocking
                  that inches longer
                  with every step of her dignified gate
                  as she walks to the store,
                  to church, to Grandpa's grave.

                  Grandma has a run in her stocking
                  because me and my sister,
                  we wanted to know what it felt like to be women,
                  we wanted to dress up like ladies,
                  so we snuck into Grandma's room -
                  the make-up we could wipe off,
                  but the perfume got us whipped,
                  and I caught one of her only pairs of leggings
                  on a splinter sticking out of the bedpost.
                  Grandma has a run in her stocking -
                  we stare at it from the backseat
                  and compare the nylon mesh
                  to the blotched skin underneath.


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