Page 26 - Contrast2007
P. 26

Wings.                                          and pushing me up, a soft and gentle force. It
     Two white wings stretch out to either side      is a familiar embrace, a gentle caress. I know
of me, each one half again as tall as I am. They     that caress can turn to a vicious battle in an in-
are feathered, yes, with huge, stiff feathers,       stant, but, oh, the moments when it is right ...
the longest of which is almost as long as an         in those moments, there is no love on this
arm, strong as steel, but light as ... as ... well,
light as a feather. The water beads and rolls        earth that can compare.
off of them, turning to fine mist behind me.               I turn my gaze to the sky. With a power-
      I feel it. The wind. I can feel the wind,
like a solid thing, gathering under my wings         ful downsweep (that, nonetheless, hurts mus-
                                                     cles weak with disuse), I rise above the cliffs.

                                                           I am free. I am ready to face the storm.


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