Page 24 - Contrast2007
P. 24


    Barbara jensen "Ryuu" Toperzer

         I stand, one foot on the stone windowsill, the    close the window, overcoming even its fear
    other still on the wooden floor. I feel the cold tex-
    ture of the stone, stone that has been here, high      of what's behind me in the face of what might
    above the womb of the earth, for hundreds of years.
    It has been long, too, since the wood beneath my       be. My bare feet touch the pool - it is abso-
    left foot stretched desperate arms to the sky, sighed
    whispers to the wind, creaked when storms lashed       lutely frigid, sending shivers through me.

    at its branches.                                       I put my hands on the handles and
          I wonder, idly, if either material misses those
    days.                                                        It is raining outside - a cold thunder-
          I stand, my hands on either side of the win-
                                                           storm. It is not a raging beast, no ... this is a
    dow, looking out at the blue sky. I stand in indeci-
                                                           storm whose energy is spent. The rain still
          Go, says a voice in my head. Step out into       comes down steadily, the sky is still dark and

    the abyss. Let yourself go. Set yourself free.         grey, the wind still blows cold, and in the dis-
          The wind tugs at my hair. It joins the voice,
                                                           tance, there is a brief flash.
    sibilantly sighing promises of freedom.
          Both are drowned by the thundering of my         I count the seconds ... one, two, three, four,

    heart. My chest muscles tighten and my knuckles        five ... Each count highlights the fluttering of
    grow white from gripping the stone.
                                                           my heart.
          No. Not today.                                        The center of the storm, then, is still far
          I reach out and close the window.
          I run. I run, feet thudding on the carpeted      away.
    floors, a soft I pathd pathd pathd'. I run, my              The rain strikes me and starts to soak into
    blood struggling to provide enough oxygen to
    my muscles; I run, not yet at that point where         my clothes, my hair. It is cold, so cold, and my
     I don't feel the pain. Blindly, I run, my hands
     brushing and striking the walls, searching,           skin sprouts goose pimples in response.

     searching ...                                         My hands slide back from the handles to
           I press down the handle, and the door           the frame, and my right foot reaches up to the

     opens. Quickly, I close it and lock it, then set      sill. Luckily, the stone is rough from age, and
     about shoving furniture in front of it.
                                                           so not too slippery yet.
           It is as I am moving a beautiful old desk            For a moment, what's behind me is for-
     that I realize where I am.
                                                           gotten. There is only the storm; the mind-
           The window.
           It is open.                                     numbing drop past the bridge down to the
           A cold breeze hisses through it, flutter-
      ing the gossamer curtains. The shutters clang        tiny stretch of salt water between the stone
      against the outside of the building, and the
      dim grey light outlines a pool of water where        and the land; the road that goes from the
      the rain has gotten in.
            I walk over, slowly. My mind says to           bridge to be swallowed by the wood; and the

                                                           wood itself, the mist-shrouded trees stretch-

                                                           ing into seeming infinity.
                                                                 The breeze picks up, driving rain into my

                                                           eyes. I lick droplets off my lips - they taste of

                                                           rainwater and sweat. I can smell the sea, but

                                                           the castle is so high that the sound of waves

                                                           escapes me.
                                                                 I try to ignore the voice in my head. The

                                                           voice that screams, Jump! Leap, and fall, fa~l,

                                                           ever-dream, go! Fly till darkness take you; fly ttll

                                                           earth's embrace stop you; fall, fall!          ,I

                                                           They'll leave. Of course they will. They 1

                                                           cease their search and leave me in peace.

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