Page 28 - Contrast2006
P. 28

and at what time. I am he decider of   The short man howled as the deadly
    fate my dear fellow, and your fate     throne that held him captive began
    is decided." The bellowing frog-       to roll into a colossal precipice that
    like croak of the figure in black had  opened, gaping wide, like a shark
    paralyzed the short man. The comfy     devouring its prey, where the short
    chair suddenly grew rigid; its soft,   man had rested. As the short man
    fluffy cushioning wrapped itself       barreled into the abyss, the hole
    around the short man's torso, bind-    sealed itself tight and the light that
    ing him to the chair.                  shone down on the man and the
                                           figure in black dissipated, leaving
         The chair's sprouting tendrils    the hall as it had been before, dark
    entangled the short man's legs and     and m. usty. The man in the wh·Ite
    arms, confining him to the now cal-    suit reappeared back at the queue
    lous and unyielding perch.             of the sixth line at the sixth door.
                                           He stood, hands clasped behind his
         "What? No. What is this, some     back, shoulders back and head held
    kind of initiation, no, come on,       high. A slender man asked hesitant-
    what is going on?" The figure in       ly, as he was rather bedazzled by
    black drew himself up even further,    the spectacles of the bizarre place
    towering over the short man. Rais-     he had waited so long to be allowed
    ing his boney hand, he smashed         in to.
    his hammer down onto the pulpit,
    creating an ear piercing boom that          "They are all on the list; they
    shook the chair in which the short     await patiently the decision of their
    man was imprisoned.                    fate. They await their judgment.
                                           Your time is now. Please follow
         "Condemned." With the utter-      me." With a smile, the young ma~
    ance of these words that flew like     in white seized the slender man s
    daggers from the mouth of the fig-     arm and forced him through the
    ure in black, the tendrils climbed     sixth door, which had opened vi~-
    into the eyes and ears of the short    lently and closed behind them deli-
    man, on which budded thorns that       cately without a sound.
    dug deep into the man's flesh.


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