Page 27 - Contrast2006
P. 27

short man leaned so deep into the       snake-tongued trickery in the court
 chair. He looked as if he were butter   room."The short man chortled to
 melting on hot bread.                   himself, saturated in his own ego-

      "At last, you have joined us."     tism.
      The obsidian man spoke, filling         "If you have gained all you have
 the room, a hot stench floating out
 of his mouth with each word. With       ever wanted, then it would seem
 puzzlement the short man spoke,         you have everything to lose," this
 "I am honored to be allowed into        statement startled the short man, he
 a most select and private club. You     shot an uneasy glance to the man
 have chosen wisely, I am aristo-        shrouded in black.
 cratic, famous, and powerfuL I have
 gained all I have ever wanted in life,       "Justice, my dear sir, is not blind,
 this was the last piece of the pie and  merely biding its time, much like the
 with the advent of tonight, I can die   people in those queues, waiting for
 a rich and happy man."                  the most opportune moment to de-
      Smiling fondly and relishing in    cide your fate." The short man did
 his accomplishments, the short man      not understand all he was hearing,
 pushed his back against the comfy       or rather he didn't want to under-
 chair and held his head high and        stand; he just wanted his reward for
      "You have gained all you have      being on the list.
 ever wanted?" The looming figure             "What are you talking about,
behind the pulpit croaked, the nox-
 ious stench spewing from his nos-       what is this deciding my fate non-
trils as if a dragon breathing fire.     sense, when do I find out what my
     "Everything - money, wom-           perks are, my benefits for being on
en, prestige, you name it, I have
achieved it. I can take a man who        the list?"
has murdered his wife and make                The figure in black stood up
him look like a saint, he gets off
.Scot free, and I get a hefty sum.       abruptly, he extended his pearly
I've made murderers into mar-            white hand down towards the pul-
tyrs and I've become filthy rich in      pit and grasped a sable hammer
the process. Thank God justice is        outlined not in black, but the purest
blind, or she'd see right through my     of gold, reflecting rays of light onto
                                         the short man's face.

                                              "Everyone is on the list kind sir,
                                         all must bide their time. Everyone
                                         waits to receive their just reward,
                                         it is my opinion alone that decides
                                         who is to be admitted into The Void

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