Page 26 - Contrast2006
P. 26

competitors on a racetrack, he had
    dreamed of the day he would be odd tinges of gray darkness that
                                           had welcomed him when he first
    welcomed into the most elusive and     entered The Void, this darkness had
    exclusive club the world over. He      a purpose, and it had been waiting
    was now elite, exclusive; the thought  a long time for the short man. The
    salivated in his mind. The short man
                                           young man in white was the only
    looked back up at the young man.       object not swallowed in darkness,
    He was apparently wealthy; he was      what seemed to be a spotlight shone

    ornamented in an opal white suit       down from above on his body,
    that shimmered brightly against the    blinding the short from looking into
    mass of bleak figures, as a piece of   the young man's face.
    gold does among the dull rocks.
                                                "Please wait here while I inform
        His tie was a silky black that     the welcoming committee that you
    crept down his suit, flowing like      have finally arrived."
    blood from the vein. "Follow me;
                                           A welcoming committee, the
    you seem eager to ascertain the ben-
    efits of your admittance here." The short man was flabbergasted, he
    young man in the white suit un- was being treated like royalty, he
    hooked the queue and gestured for expected this place to be swanky,
    the short man to follow him through but never did he expect such treat-
    the sixth door. The short man's eyes ment, he must really be special, he
    grew larger than the moon; he had thought to himself. The short man
    accomplished what all the others was jolted out of his contemplation
    waited to achieve. Not only had he by a loud click, a bright light now
    gained entry into The Void, but he shone in front of him, a large pul-
    was a VIP among its guest, his de- pit had emerged with the light and
    meanor emulated that of the young behind it sat a figure masked in the
    man, it shifted from beWilderment richest of onyx, an immense black,
    to confidence; he straightened his blacker than the darkness that stran-
    back, thrust his head high in the gled the short man. A thin, silvery,
    air and looked down on the other white hand emerged from the dark-
                                           ness and beckoned the short man to
    lines as he followed the young man     walk forward.

    through the door. It opened into            Click!Another light shone down
                                           from above and there sat a chair for
    a mammoth room, oval in shape,
    musky in smell.                        the short man to sit in, it was ex-
                                           traordinarily comfortable and the
    It was dark, not the myriad of

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