Page 25 - Contrast2006
P. 25
was crowded; he had noticed after of wines, each adorned with lavish
the attack on his senses had called a and sumptuous furs and jewelry.
cease fire. An ominous dance floor
appeared before him and on it what The last queue stole the short
seemed like thousands of silhou- man's attention as there stood a
ettes grinding rhythmically against lone man patiently biding his time
one another, there was intensity in in line, his hands clasped behind
their dance, the sort of intensity that his back, his shoulders back, his
comes when a person is confronted head held high. The short man ap-
with one path, one option to take in proached the queue and stood be-
life and at that split second, without hind the young man, whose silence
hesitation decides the fate of his ex- emanated louder than the laughter
istence. of the others, intriguing the short
From around the dance floor man.
there echoed shrill laughter, break- "Why are all these people wait-
ing the short man from his metric
coma allowing him to acknowledge ing in these lines?" the short man
rows of doors encasing the tribal asked with the timidity of a child.
promenades, if a coliseum in which
fought the warriors of lust and pas- "Why are you?" the young man
sion. He struggled to make his way retorted, with an air of wisdom one
toward the laughter, the throng of attains from years of experience.
the gyrating masses impeding his
journey; the woman lunging for him, "Because I deserve it," the short
fondling him. Men tearing at his man quipped as if in court proving
suit jacket, thirsty with want, hun- his case, "I have waited my entire
gry with need. Thrusting himself life to enter, to be placed on the list;
with one last drive of force through I am cashing in my due and just re-
the tidal wave of gloomy beings, the ward!" The young man turned and
short man arrived at what appeared stared at the short man in silence,
to be a row of six doors, in front of the short man backed up a tad, feel-
each a queue. There were many peo- ing barraged with invisible missiles,
ple waiting in the six lines, all con- stared back, just as intently, and
stantly exploding with hysterically waited for a youthful rejoinder.
uncontrollable laughter. All which
drank exotic cocktails or the finest With a sly smile and a maniacal
gaze, the young man parted his lips
and uttered, "You will fit in perfect-
ly here, welcome to The Void."
The words played over and over
in his head, like a car lapping its