Page 31 - Contrast1999
P. 31
fixed by the speed at which he was climbing. Her bottom of the mountain, where I was found some
scream brought me back, and even seemed to make time later."
him hesitate. Both her feet had slipped from the
mountain, and she was hanging by only one hand. "Ah, I ...I'm terribly sorry for your loss of
two people so close to you. That must be ..."
"Help her!" I yelled. I began to climb
madly toward her. After a moment's pause, he "Still you don't understand."
began to climb again. I stopped and looked up at "I am trying, but your story is so incred-
him. He turned to me and I saw the look in his
eyes and I knew then. I continued as fast as I could ible."
to climb to her, but I already knew. When she lost "Incredible? I don't think that's true. But
her grip, I was still fifty feet from her. I won't
bother to describe my feelings at that moment be- you may."
cause no words can express them. But you may "You kept saying 'I knew.' What did you
yet understand.
He continued to climb, and I was helpless "What did I know? What you may never.
but to watch him. Nothing I could do would save
her. He had nearly reached the absolute peak of You and he and everyone else confuse the moun-
the mountain, an arm's width of rock pointing tain with life. They are not the same. Sometimes
straight up. I knew he had to touch the tip, to com- we are so caught up in words that we begin to live
~letely conquer the mountain. Nothing could stand in the metaphors and forget the reality. I did not
In the way of this. Finally he was within reach of climb that mountain for the sake of the mountain.
the top. He glanced down at me, and even from I had no need to reach the top. The climbing of
that distance I could see his eyes, but no longer the the mountain is all I need. He needed the moun-
eyes of my friend, no longer anything I could rec-
ognize. He turned back toward the peak and tain, needed the top."
reached for the tip. He grabbed the highest place "Do you mean that you are content to go
on the mountain and once again looked down to
~e. He was not anything I knew anymore, noth- halfway and not finish your journey?"
Ing I could associate with my experience anywhere. "I told you. The top is not reachable."
"But your friend, he reached it."
When the point he was clutching began to "And where is he?"
crumble, I knew. As I watched him fall past me, I "Uh ...I'm sorry."
knew. I could only begin my slow descent to the "There is no need to be sorry. He got what
he wanted. The top became his all. No man can
reach the top without knowing that he is climbing,
and no one who knows he is climbing would ever
want to reach the top."