Page 18 - Contrast1999
P. 18

occasional desire for the scent of lilac

i think of you when the sun goes down
and the velvet night descends
odd wistful remembrances and moments of thought
as i walk through the wistful graveyard
as i sit pensive at my desk attempting to write
as i throw my head back and give a full throaty laugh
on a hot summer day when shadows are gone and i am in the garden

the shynessof your gesture

the soft bold ripeness of your lips and knowing bold tongue
exhalation of dark lilac as you whisper against my neck
and your skin becomes a waxen petal
he loves me he loves me not

the darkness of your hair                    but i am unfair
your eyes
and as i found                               you were the first to catch my eye
your heart                                   to make the move
                                             i felt beautiful

                                             special for the first time

                                             the thick rind peeled slowly away

                                             revealing pale creamy flesh and sweetness
                                             too long contained

i think of you lessoften now                 it was a moment
                                             a momentary interlude
i need not be enslaved to your ghost         though you hurt me it was not deliberate
searching for lilac when what i really want  i was a moment's diversion
IS a rose                                    60 seconds and the timer went off
                                             ready to find a fruit more to your taste
                                             you were hungry and i could not fill you up

you have merely become shorthand for desire
that's all

most of the time i even believe that
and i consign you to the attic of my mind
where all old and obsolete things go
and fade away

only occasionally do i still have the desire for the scent of lilac

                Sarah Radice
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