Page 14 - Contrast1999
P. 14
Valentine's Card from the Get-Well Bin
Tim Walker
Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you're feel- see the world. You told me about how you wanted
ing okay. It's been too long. I thought I'd never to help the world. Help the people starving and
hear from you again. dying in the forgotten, web-laden comers. You also
told me how you wanted to vacuum the world of
How long has it been? Three or four years all its dirt polluting the environment. And ho~
maybe? I don't know. But I remember the night I your experiences with teaching left you as int~xl-
met you. That night on Valentine's Day, a few cated as a fresh river of heroin in a junkie's vems.
friends and I set sail for your school, your build-
ing, your school's party. We descended down those But you couldn't teach anybody how cold
narrow wooden steps to the dance floor. It was a the water is. Nor could you change it. But if only
little dark and the floor wasn't occupied enough to I knew that night, maybe I could've changed the
stop a cold breeze from passing through. So the directions of Alli's winds. She swept me out onto
dance began. Then another gust of wind, a drunken the floor once more. After drifting along to a couple
wind named Alli, swept me out into the middle of of songs, we harbored ourselves next to the win-
the dance floor. She was extremely tall with ear- dows. She rested her hand on my arm.
length dark brown hair. And her eyes were glar-
ing ebony stones. "Dancing Queen" blared and Her beer-stenched breath drifted my way
bounced off of every surface as she spun me into as she asked, "Will you be my Valentine? I don't
an abyss. Then she drifted me along to meet her have a Valentine."
best friend. You. Elizabeth. I still remember how
you look as well. Short with lighter hair and eyes I told her that I would.
than Alli. You told me that if I messed with your
friend that you'd kill me. I Swore to you that I Later on, the wind calmed down. I found
WOUldn't. Then you laughed. Alli drifted off as you again and we floated the floor for the last
we talked. How it was coincidental that my birth- dance. Then the party was over. AlIi picked up
day was the same as your father's. We talked about her strength but my odyssey was over and I re-
our majors and what we wanted to do with our fused to surrender to the wind.
lives. Then we danced. I proceeded to take center
court as your jester as I wiggled and bounced to "You can't go," she begged, "you're my Val-
the music. Whatever made you laugh. Then Alli's entine. You can't go."
wind carried me away once more.
But I left.
But enough about the dance. How are you
doing? I heard that you weren't doing so well be- I heard that AlIi's winds drifted fiercely out
fore. I'm out of school now. Working. Trying to into the cold oceans. The poisoned oceans. Her
make something of my life. I wish I could help winds collected black mists of other men, drugs,
you. the plague. Then I heard that the winds lost shape,
strength, then finally disappeared forever.
Whatever happened between you and I? I
suppose it was the passing of time that drifted our
continents apart. I heard about AlIi. Then I heard
But remember what we used to do all the about you. I heard about how you tried to take a
time? We used to lie in your bed all day on our swig of the poisoned waters you wanted to clean
stomachs side by side. Calm waves of blankets, and chased it with a handful of tranquilizers. I
pillows, and bed sheets flowed between us. Your COUldn'thelp but think that this was my fault. How
colored lights painted a blue and violet sky. We was I supposed to know?
talked. You reminded me about our first date how
I brought you a single rose and you asked me where I wish that I could help you. And maybe I
I picked it from. I told you about how I wanted to can. I've seen the world now. I used to think that
if I carried the load, things would be alight. But
you can't measure the weight of the world with