Page 20 - Contrast1999
P. 20
through with it. He solemnly arose from his chair sea lapping at the docks. The neighbor opened the
and descended the steps to the basement. basement door and descended the stairs. Below
him he saw water! It was deep and dark. He called
The next day the captain didn't come out out, "Are you down here, Captain?" Then from
to fetch water from the well. Several more days the dark recesses of the cellar, the body of the cap-
passed. Eventually, one of the neighbors decided tain floated towards him on a pile of debris. As
to pay a visit. He knocked on the door, but no one the captain's floating grave drifted closer, the neigh-
answered. He quietly entered the house noticing bor noticed writing on a dark plank grasped in the
that all the rooms were dark, except the study, bloodied hands of the corpse. It read: The Ebony
where the ashes of a fire still glowed softy. As he Voyager.
walked down the hall, he heard a peculiar noise
coming from the basement. It sounded like the
Dancing is so lonely.
I just let my body saunter like seaweed in the ocean,
my arms undulate,
my heart escapes.
And in my flamboyance,
I want someone to see me.
And Mabel says, "You're a great dancer!"
So I says to Mabel, I says, "You want to dance?"
Mabel goes, "Hell no!"
...God, dancing is so lonely...
I mean, it's just me,
like the ballerina who pops out of a jewelry box,
spinning in solitude to some sad symphony.
Yeah, that's me.
...God, dancing is so lonely... I mean, it's just me,
like sitting alone at a table meant for five.
Dancing is meant for two,
that is, in simple terms,
me and you.
I don't want to be the down-in-the-dumps dancer,
the bereft ballerina.
Validate the sonorous grace of my soul,
somebody, anybody, please?
Will you dance with me?
Kris Sevillena