Page 12 - Contrast1999
P. 12

Ijust had the weirdest dream about Toronto  fellow females aren't members of the Four Minute
and the lake looked clean and instead of the usual    Shower Club, I better head to the washroom if I
hazy, murky colour it was ...                         expect to get clean this morning ...I feel wicked
                                                      disgusting, but maybe it's just 'cause I'm tired and
         Hey my roommate likes that song--if only     I haven't brushed my teeth yet. Oh, well. Time to
she was more into hip-hop and less into that sappy    get out of bed.
love %$@#--sorry God. (i really gotta quit saying
that wordl)                                                    Wish me luck!

         It's 8:53. Should I get up, or savour the
last 7 minutes?

         Nah, I'll get up. Knowing that most of my

      14 eup of Stars                                             .---~~--~~
 Jor Eleanor
 Wh0 do 00U putt?
 9 cannot; come, 9 cannot                                i(
 come to 00u, though 00U
 beckon and croon                                      Minnie
 call me like a bl/net fish
swimming etespemte/0 tOwClretslight                   Sarah Radice
sick of dark, and water

 in m0 heart: 9 keep 00u

in m0 dreams 9 run Clcres

across. uour sand
fClII to m0 knees
onl0 to rise for the power
of 00ur sun

let me screClm this promise
into winas
scrape m0 pleetge into rock

9 will return

in time al! promises will burst
and 9 will leave these waters
still 00ung enough

for uour druness

when the sap has thickened
to take qour heat:

                     ~ebecca Shlapack
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