Page 43 - Contrast1997
P. 43

went home one weekend to visit and to get          lonely in the big scary world. I did not be-
away from the pressures of college for awhile.     long in the loop any longer. Things would
                                                   never be the same again. My relationship
  While at home, I eventually made a sojourn       with my parents, with my sisters, and with
to the most blessed among toilets, the one in      my high school friends would change dras-
my Toilet Room at home. I sat down and pro-        tically because of the washcloth incident.
ceeded to sort out my thoughts, when I looked
over to the towel rack, not the talking Towel        Now, I have grown up. No more will I be
family rack, but the one with our washcloths,      free to frolic in the Toilet Room, eating "ice
mine and my sisters', on it. I saw the four wash-  cream". No more will I have the time to give
cloths hanging in a row on the towel rack, but     from my busy schedule to listen to Towel
mine was pushed off to the side apart from the     Tales. My life has changed irrevocably be-
others, while my sisters' three washcloths hung    cause of those washcloths, and I continue to
side by side touching intimately, as with con-     evolve, thanks to the Toilet Room.
nection. My washcloth was off on its own,

Inner Peace                                        Jay Day

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