Page 46 - Contrast1997
P. 46


                I study the room and see it as if for the first time.
                Sunshine spills from the windows, through a crystal,
               Showering the walls with rainbow.
               The scent of roses lingers in the air, from the drying blossoms
               That frame the mirror on the closet door,
               And of vanilla candles sitting in sagging blocks of wax.

               Around the desk and on the floor are strewn
               Docs, flannels, beads, an old blue sweater,
               The baseball cap with Bert and Ernie on it,
               Fat science books, The City Paper,
               Tea gone cold in a mug that says "I love chocolate."
               "I find order in my disorder" she defends.

               Like Van Gogh's "Starry Night,"
               Tinsel sparkles from the ceiling forming a galaxy,
              On which she gazes from the top bunk, dreaming of love.
               "The Kiss" by Gustav Klimt.a princess upon a horse"
              Leaning down to kiss her prince; Brad Pitt bent over a swooning woman,
              Warm the white walls.

              Off in lab, hours spent with test tubes and beakers,
              Leaves this room strangely empty,
              Missing her quick laugh, Sarah McLachlan,
              And The Cure tiring the CD player.
              Mr. Bunny sits lost on the unmade bed.

              She shares my room, she shares my name,
              But the light that shines within her is her own.

                                                                         Jennifer Yick.

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