Page 14 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 14


                             Darcel Harris

      From the gutter rat lurking in the rubble of a drug-filled life,
    I searched through the heap of human waste for someone to
    release me from the maze I was trapped in. Somehow I had
    gotten lost, and I couldn't get out. An unseen hand of what I
    believe is a higher power removed the walls, and I emerged.
    That higher power came in the form of a human by the name?f
    Brenda Holmes, who died of colon cancer. The scary thing IS,
    she was younger than I. Now as I remember her phone call, I
    realize that it changed my life for the better. That call caused
    humility to infiltrate my very being and started me on the road
   to recovering some belongings I had lost and to gain things I
   had only dreamed of reaching. It's crazy, but it's all about a
   spider, a web, and me.

      I was a practicing alcoholic and drug addict. I was tired of
   living that type of life. It seemed that I was trapped in a cycle
   of institutions, jails, and ultimately death. I tried reha~s,
   therapy groups, and religion, but there seemed to be no relIef
   from this disease. So, I tried running from this leech that was
   draining me of every good and decent value I had.

      I decided the only way out of this death maze was to pack up
   and leave DC and not look back. I came to Carroll County a few
   years ago, leaving behind my friend Brenda whom I had
   known for 15 years. It's funny how we met at a traffic light on
   Suitland Parkway in SE DC. We both had Mustangs, she
   revved her engine, and I mine; but When the light changed, she
   let me take off like a fool. So, I turned around and we pulled into
   an apartment complex parking lot and exchanged laughter at
   the fool I made of myself. She was neither a beautiful woman,
   nor was she an eyesore, light skin with wool-like hair. She was
   a little on the heavy side and always has a good joke that could
  make Mona Lisa crack a smile, a very kind and jolly person.
  Somehow Brenda and I remained friends. Living in an addic-
  tive life-style usually leaves a person without a friend. Yet, we

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