Page 19 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 19

Sonnet I

 Beauty where'er Ilook, cannot compare
 With thee; melody whispered in the breeze,
Gently rustling the boughs of poplar trees,
With sunlight glinting in your amber hair;
Strength of heart in calloused hands, so rare-
So pure- my life-blood spirit your smile frees,
To SOarover rainbows, beyond the seas;
To explore dappled-grey shadows, you dare;
To mirror mine own soul, Isearch your eyes-
Delving, razor-edged, plunging ever deep,
Wanting, desiring what's beyond the skies;
Failure hovers in a cloud of heavy sighs,
Hoping, dreaming of thoughts our souls can keep
From that secret self we must disguise.

                                             S. A. Sommer

Open Experience

An ocean

          Open for all
Some will test the waters

          Some dive blindly in
                     Some are unaware until overcome

This ocean can shine bright                                .

          Sparkle with laughter- bubble WIth pleasure

Lie calm                     OR

          Comfortable in its own existence

Rage in anger

Thrashing and tearing at the shore

It can be warm and soothing

                                  frigid and dark

Make what you will of it-

          To be one with nature is not
                     an easy task but
                     takes commitment and
                     trust in the elements

          To flow with the tide as one is
                     the ultimate experience

Experience Love                                               Melissa Carver

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