Page 13 - Contrast1993Fall
P. 13


 Yellow dandelion swells
 The green grass sky bursts
 leading the trail through the yard
 to the door-
 The childhood monsters
 fill the house
 Memories that will not die
 Mom and Dad rule their kingdom
 As spirits rise from the cracks
 The foreboding floor even remembers
 What the child forgets
 Crystalline heirlooms mirror the secrets
Jesus Christ Himself looks on
from the wall near the stairs
The back door escape is locked
to ward off thieves from entry
into the clear sky rising
of another yard
Do you remember the tree house
we built?
I fell and bled and cried
and you laughed at
the skinned-knee-bruises
and scabbed over infection
healing soundly
leaving but a scar
as memory
Do you want to go


                         R. Edward Eibel

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