Page 16 - Contrast1992Fall
P. 16

Eros and the Maiden

The full moon shone over the lake
The couple crossed thefield hand in hand

     Beckoned by the clearing in the fig grove
They sat Upon the mossy softness

     Drawn together by aforce they couldn't control
Eros touched her silky hair and pulled her to him

     Their lips touched, their passion grew
Her heart beat wildly as he caressed her skin
The were borne away on emotion, lost in each other

The spell was broken

He pulledfrom her, another being
The wind had risen and come over him
The security and blessing of the moon were gone

     Covered by dark clouds
Evil had entered the secluded grove
Trees were advanCing toward the couple

     Menacing and dangerous

Fear filled the hearts which moments before had
    pulsed with passion

The couple ran,from what they did not know
Only knowing that they were no longer safe

     in the clearing

                     What evil had destroyed their bliss?
                     What being had invaded their moment?
                     They only knew they must flee
The morning SUnshone in the eyes of the maiden
She awoke and stretched her body and remembered
Or was it all a dream?

                     She stood

                          and a fig leaf fluttered from her hair

14 Melissa Carver
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