Page 17 - Contrast1991FallCarpeDiem
P. 17

Four five six             On the tenth
                                        In desperation
              Pass by                   to repair this wrong
                                        I seek you out a fmal time
I Blind to my grief                     Find you on the hard! hot pavement
I I blind to you                        I search for words
                                        You drive away
              Let you be gone now

              I can do without you

On the seventh                          The allotted time gone
I return to the search                  Business unfinished
I never left                            Words unspoken
Onl y to get your answering machine     I face three-hundred miles

    How many times can I call                   one-hundred fourteen days
                            and listen
      before you get home?

The eighth drips by                     On the eleventh
Or rather pours                         I awake to a box to pack
Leaving puddles and rainbows
                                                          a bathroom to clean
On the ninth                                         a car to load
                                        Three-hundred miles
Listening to your song                  One-hundred fourteen days
Your blanket is drawn around me         And I am afraid
And I am yours                          Until I look up
But your words grow strange                       into your eyes
Your thoughts foreign
The blanket is pulled away                                         Angela Tremain
I am left bare'

for the first time
of you

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