Page 40 - Contrast1989
P. 40


                          Simple Love

 The heater clicked on and off,
 trying to regain its strength,
  for the snowy months ahead.
 When I pushed the warm covers

          beneath my toes,
  my baby doll fell out of bed,
  and bumped to the wooden floor.

  My mother hurried into the room,
  pulling her blue robe tighter.
  She always shook the thermometer,
  then slipped it under my tongue.
  She brushed away my straggley bangs
  and laid her cool hand on my forehead,
  as she watched the thick black hands

          of the wall clock.

  The sunlight shone brighter when my mom
           came to sit With me.

  The ticking of the clock seemed stronger ...faster .
  She scowled at the thermometer,
  my temperature, still 100.

  She bustled from the kitchen to the bathroom
  back to my room.
  She slipped past my oak desk,
  huffing as she sat next to me.
  I chewed the aspirins,
  grinding the sweet pink flavor into my tongue.
  She pulled. my covers around my waist
   and kissed my forehead,

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