Page 27 - Contrast1986v28
P. 27


On mv waVto work this morning the slev
was filled with mvstery - I thought 01 vou and how
one never knows what will happen when blinded
bv love. The winding drive seems longer than twentv minutes,
and the sunrise colors not quite as red
without vou to share it with. Clara Bell is still
the first one in the kitchen. Smells 01 frying bacon sizzled
mv moming appetite,
but the diswasher was broken and the toilet wouldn't ~ush -
So, of course, I had to rIX them. The old workmen come in,
bitch about the coffee - too strong, too weak,
too hot, not hot enough. "Henrietta" wants his honev bun
with his coffee, and I'm damned if I ever forget
his packet of Sweet & Low. Yes, like vou said,
the regulars expect me to know every little
damn thing about their "special order." TheV'1Inever change -
When Ralph miserlv sips his "tastes-like-shit" mug of coffee,
I swear he's like an old goat
who never reached his peak. Mrs. Palmer, who ate tomatoes
in place of homefries - she's dead now. Smilev still makes
everyone laugh; he nearlv died in a truck accident -
killed the other passenger. He was a sad sight; I didn't think
he would last much longer - Makes vou wonder...

Mr. Yoder, God bless his soul, asked
about vou. I told him vou were back home now,
but I couldn't tell him whv vou left - he'd never understand.
Mr. Billings asked for the twelfth time for a Michelob
with his hotcake - he knows better, but he thinks he's cute.
The truckers haven't learned any new songs
on the jukebox - U8 is their favorite selection,
but the dustv 45's are mv on~
friends on slow davs. Richard Embleton, the King Cole driver,
asked me to go to the Greenwood Fire Hall for Bingo Nite,
but I couldn't be seen with him - not after what Charlie did to vou.
Some guvs aren't worth shitI TheV aren't even worth
their dollar tips! Hope
vou and the kid are doing well.

                                        Kellv S. Connor

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