Page 30 - Contrast1986v28
P. 30
I'd like to take a walk around your mind.
On the paths of your mind.
I would stroll,
through the complicated alleys.
to find some answers.
Down one path, I would come across
all the love you feel for me.
hidden away. close to the place
you keep all your fears.
At the top of a hill. I'd discover your eyes.
finally behind those
mysterious. strange globes
that hold so many plans, so much pain,
Instead of looking in. trying to figure you.
I'd be looking out through all your pain.
seeing fhe world as you do,
seeing where I fit in.
Around one corner, I'd suddenly stumble upon
the person I knew long ago.
the kind, giving brave friend
who laughed at life.
long dead, long buried.
All those paths, all those paths,
leading me through your past.
your present, your future.
And sooner or later.
I'd come to gaze at a field,
full of broken promises and
trapped dreams.
so beautiful, so sad.
Running Wildly through that field.
I would mend the promises
and set all the dreams free,
free to live and grow.
Then quickly back down the paths of your mind,
I would flee,
to where your love is kept.
And there amidst all that love,
I would rest,
and soak it all in,
to understand, and to understand you
and all you are.
Finally, after I knew my way around
all those complicated alleys,
I would steal some of that hidden love
to carry with me,
where ever I may stroll without you.
- 28- Karen M. Rex