Page 24 - Contrast1984v26
P. 24


When we first met, I knew not what to say.

Then we explored each other as well as words may.

In a cold, swirling wind that pushed past bustling,

We walked through falling leaves, so brown and rustling.

Th    d    1eaves  crackled  and broke     under  my heavy  tread.
   e   ry

Through the qUiet, calm town that was still very dead

We walk, tightly holding hands, down the moon- 1·lt road.
I find that my heart becomes a heavier load.

Across a crowded room we touch, eye to eye.
My heart cries out inside, Give me but room to fly
And I will rise, leaving behind this empty shell
So that others may find the sure, clear path from hell.
0, how truly blissfully Sweet pure love can be
While sitting With your love under a bright-gold tree.
Staring up at the velvet darkness overhead,
The morning sun, slowly creeping up, I dread.

Slowly it spreads, silent far into the night.

How can I battle with myself, When love is right?

The sun pierces me through, throwing open all my doors.

Your light lifts me up and frees my being, it soars.

Away from me love does fly on silvery wings

Th t  flash  an d  g 1 int  in the  early  sun.   And they sing,

Lifting in a clear Voice that fills the air all round.

Death might shear it, but heart remembers the sound.
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