Page 9 - Contrast1964Spring
P. 9
He thought only to win, No words need be said
"Think not of the means, naught but the end." For there is no one to hear
--And there was sickness, sorrow, and sin. -- The world is dead.
And men fought, and cheated Not ev ern memories
They thought they had won, Survi ved the mists,
But they forgot that the past For after (hey pass
Is the guide of what is to come. Nothing exists.
And so through the ages The awe-full conclusion
That I just said,
The story repeated, That nothing exists
The more that men won That everything's dead.
They became more defeated. I cannot accept it
And finally, at last Though it remains a fact,
With the end insight, That all that was li ving
Men then saw Is now scorched and blacked.
That they' ed formed their own plight.
Then, then came the prayers All that was once beauty
Repentance and tears, The work of God's hand,
For what had been done throughout the years. Was twisted an dscarred
Then came the conscience And destroyed by man ..
When forseen was the fate, Men---With would-be will
Then came the conscience To mend the way
But it came too late. But there"s no man lef t
And man's great destruction This debt to pay.
The skies with fire did fill, Desolation.
The ground shook, the ocean raged
Then suddenly -- The earth was still. Is this the end
-- The seas were dry To which they slaved,
The sky was red, Were they not better
The ground was scorched In the cave.
The world was dead! Apart from knowl edge
Ap art from thou ght,
Ah! For the many who suffered Nothing achieved
There is no one to mourn, Nothingsou gh t.
Life is dead, what injustice But what might have been
To those not yet born. Will never be,
I cry alone+-no one is left The course is set
My warnings to heed, For eternity.
To late to beware The laughs, the loves
Of the horrible deed. The thoughts of men,
There is nothing left now What was before-
Never again.
Gary A. S. Crowell