Page 24 - Contrast1963v7n1
P. 24


He sees water falling in the sky--
   He names it

and connects it with the other incompre-

         Far Away, Cougar, Other,         hensibles
        (everything he doesn't control)   Poison Ivy,
         and now Rain.

Yesterday he named this:
  everything behind him

          everything dark

                 everything he doesn't see
  everything acting without him.

(He knew he would be safer if it had a name--
 He knew that when Linda died

            if he could have answered the why
           with Name

            it would be easier to live.)
Yesterday he named this:


Now as Rain-God falls,

       he still sees why?
He changes God--

God means the connections of the incompre-

     God means Reason.                         hensibles--
He tries this meaning:            Why?

     Linda died. Why?

     Name - God

     She fell off the God-Cliff.
     Reason - God.

Good. He watches the God- Rain fall.

But. .

     Why did (incomprehensible)
           Name - God
                Reason - God
                     kill Linda?

He has noticed an order;
      he killed Cougars. Why?
          because he was empty.


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