Page 25 - Contrast1960v4n1
P. 25

You go back to your dingy corner and start to study algebra.
You go right through the first problem by signing your name, class
and date at the top of the page. But that second problem, which is
really the first algebra problem, has you stumped. But no sweat, be.
cause good ole Joe is in the next room playing ping.pong and he's
a whiz at algebra. You go tell Joe your problem. He solves it in a
minute flat. He then brings up the subject of ping-pong: but you
freeze. You tell him that you have two hours and fifteen minutes of
studies to do. Joe starts to feel bad because he helped you with your
problem and now you won't play ping-pong with him. Well, you
can't turn down a buddy, so you tell him you'll play one game and
only one. Joe beats the living tar out of you the first game. You know
you can beat him, so you play another game. This goes on for an
hour and forty-five minutes, but you finally beat Joe, and that was
really important, because he's the champ at college. You thank Joe
for the games and get back to the books. You still have a half hour
to study before the student center closes. But you've developed indi-
gestion from playing so much ping-pong. You go to bed; knowing
that tomorrow you will double your study period in order to make
up yesterday's work.

                 My Little Flower

           Little Flower, Little Flower
           I love you so in this your hour
           Of celebrating the life
           Of your petals, which knave nor knife
           Will never, ever separate
           From your lovely stem or mate.

           Little Flower, Little Flower,
           Humble as a Christmas Choir,
           Pretty as a winter-whitened
           Wood, so dear to me, gladdened
           By your beauty, ev'n in this hour,
           That stays and makes the precious flower you are.

                                                                                                  DAN SHANKLE

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