Page 20 - Contrast1960v4n1
P. 20

'I. The Fount

I know not from where love comes
Or from what hidden spots it springs to life.
I only know the feeling of one who has

      experienced its wealth and depth.
That love which fills all time and space
And warms the enraptured soul;
A love that brings a joyful, fulfilled look to eyes
And gives the mind such freedom and expanse.

             I have known such love.

Nor do I know where love goes when it leaves us:     grief.
Back to hidden crevices in sands of time?
I only know the feeling of empty depth, of hidden
Love blown by the wind and carried by the rain

Farther and farther away from physical and spiritual reach.
Angular lines of life pierce my senseless mind and soul,

For I know not where love goes.

                                 CONNIE SHANKLE

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