Page 23 - Contrast1960v4n1
P. 23

by stones and bulldozers. The stream no longer leaped and played
merrily on its way; now it dragged painfully on its way to plummet
digested out of a cast iron pipe that was a jail.. It was the only rem-
nant of the field and it seemed to be saying: "Yes. Even I-have
changed." And overhead the blazing sky seemed to smile an echo-
"Yes. Yes. Yes."



They had only come to play-
But with his words they walked away.

      Walked from newly painted boxes,
      Shiny-green that held white sand;
      Walked from swings with rust-red hinges,
      Backed away-small hand-in-hand.

What were those words he whispered   to them?
Won't they come again to play?
Each toy was new, not one unbroken,
And yet these children walked away.

      But the laughter and noise of children with toys
      Will never be found till the empty red swings
      and shiny green things
      Are touched by those whose hands are brown.

What did he whisper? I think you know ...
"That playground's no place for a black chil' to go!"

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