Page 13 - Contrast1958Winterv3n1
P. 13

another department. Dr. Wilson had said something about this, but

it would only have become effective-if she were planning to stay. She

became more and more perplexed as she continued on her way to .

the children's ward which was located in the most distant wing of the

hospital. The head nurse, Mrs. Staplin, greeted her with a sympathetic

smile.      .

"Julie Taylor? I'm afraid you're being placed on an emergency

case. You've been assigned to Catherine Linton, age six, condition

critical. She was in an automobile accident whiie driving with her

grandparents. According to information found inthe wreckage, her

parents are divorced."
      "Well, then, with whom did she live?" questioned the young nurse.

"Her grandparents ... they were both killed." Julie could not

retain an involuntary shudder. Mrs. Staplin continued:

"The girl just regained consciousness, so Dr. Wilson is going to

perform exploratory surgery now. Catherine will need constant care,

Julie. That is, if she lives." The last words struck Juli~ like a stabbing

knife.      '.

"But ... I'm leaving here. This week is my last on duty. I can't

take on this Linton girl." .
      "This is not for you to decide. You know we're short of help,

and an RN is worth her weight in gold. If you will just stay an extra

week I'm sure we can find a replacement then."
      "And if not?" Julie'S eyes raised questioningly.
      "And if not, then you may go anyway. I certainly hope that that

problem won't arise." The head nurse walked smartly away, leaving

the young girl bewildered.
      I wonder what this Linton. child is like. An automobile acci-

dent ... why, she's so young parents divorced, too .. ' . all alone

... and if she doesn't live .
     Jolted out of her thoughts by a hand on her shoulder, she turned

abruptly and stood facing the kind old doctor, who at this moment
resembled more of a ghost than a man. He looked many years older
and his voice was no longer the resonant, vibrant one that she had

learned to recognize.
      "Julie, this girl is seriously injured. It's not yet safe to say that

she will survive. I'm going to operate now. She's out of shock and if
we wait much longer, she may lapse back into it or die of internal

injuries. If she does survive, Julie, she will need a great deal of care.

Unless she's going to get it, we might as well give up now."
      Julie, small and pathetic, stood there, anger surging throughout.

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