Page 12 - Contrast1958Winterv3n1
P. 12

Why don't you see about switching?'" There was an unmistakable
twinkle in his eye as he talked about his favorite ward. He'd been
known as the "children's daddy" since he first came to the hospit~l.

      "I'm afraid," replied Julie in her most professional tone of VOIce,
"that it wouldn't do a bit of good. I'm leaving the nursing professio~
for good in less than a week." She finished with a distinct emphasis
and whirled away from Dr. Wilson who was now both perplexed and
hurt. Miss Minert, who had been standing at a discreet distance du~-
ing this little conversation, stepped forward and placed a sympathetic
hand on his shoulder.

      "It certainly is hard for us who really love this place and this
type of work to see someone suddenly become so disinterested. Maybe
she'll have a change of heart, and you know there's always room for
an experienced nurse. But ... for the time being it looks like we'll
just have to mark her down as 'disinterested personnel' and give her
the discharge she wants so badly."

      "But it's not as simple as all that," protested Dr. Wilson. "I~ a
person loves nursing enough to devote three years to specialized tram-
ing, she isn't going to just throw it over the way Julie is doing. She's
crazy to leave here. I'm going to do all in my power to keep her here,
VOluntarily, though heaven only knows how!" A deep sigh was the
only betrayal of the hopelessness he felt so deeply.

      The supervisor rested her chin on her upraised arm and chal-
lenged the doctor. "You suggest something then. You've got less th~n
seven days in which to change a young woman's mind. That's quite
a task, you know!"

      The doctor looked up just in time to see a knowing smile trickle
across Miss Minert's lips.

      The hospital loudspeaker broke in with its crisp static:
      "Dr. Wilson, report to emergency ... Dr. Wilson, report to emer-
gency-immediately .... "

      Julie was sitting in the nurses' quarters resting her tired feet and
sipping hot coffee when the call came.

      "Miss Taylor, report to children's ward; Taylor to children'S
ward immediately."

      "My gosh, you can't even have a minute's peace around here.
Time off is limited even when you manage to get it!" The other
nurse at her table smiled but obviously didn't share her sentiments.
Julie, embarrassed, hurried out.

      Her measured steps echoed down the hall. She wondered what
lay ahead. Such a short time left and here she was being called by
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