Page 22 - Contrast1958Springv2n2
P. 22

mented by previous encounters, yet anxious with future plans, Cindy
tossed quite a while before she fitfully fell asleep.

      During the next month she had a date with Mike practically
every weekend, but she was dating other boys too. And whenever
Mike approached the question of her family she was quick to change
the subject, but now it was getting to the point where the subject
changes were irrelevant, and she could tell that Mike was becoming

      Tuesday evening Mike called as usual and they talked briefly
about the day's happenings. But Cindy knew that Mike had more on
his mind than questioning her about Bio. lab, and she had decided
what her response would be when and if the question arose.

      "Cindy, while I'm thinking about it, I'd like to invite you to the
Homecoming Dance on the fourteenth. It's the really big occasion
of the fall season, and I'm anxious to have you go with me."

      Cindy took a firm grip on the receiver and breathed deeply, "I'rn
sorry, Mike, but I'm busy on the fourteenth."

      The silence from the other end was ominous. Cindy knew that
Mike was stunned and she also felt that she had hurt him deeply. But
she knew this hurt was not as deep as it could be if things were allowed
to go along as they had.

       "I thought I would be giving you plenty of advance notice, Cin.
But it seems as though somebody jumped me to the gun. See you this
Saturday night, O.K.?"

       "No, it won't be O.K., Mike. I'm flying to Alabama for the week-

       "But, Cindy, I don't understand. Our Saturday night dates have
been ... uh ... well, more or less accepted by both of us. And besides
you haven't gone home before and Thanksg"iving break comes up in
three weeks. Cindy, does this mean you're calling it quits?"

       Slowly, hoping that her voice wouldn't show any sign of her inner
turmoil, Cindy precisely repeated the words that she'd been practic-
ing all day, "Yes, Mike, that's all."

       Following a few seconds of what seemed like an interminable
silence, Mike spoke, "Guess there isn't anything for me to say, if that's
the way you want it, but it seems to me you're acting very strange."

       "That's the way it has to be. Good-bye Mike."

       She heard Mike mumble good night as she placed the receiver in
its cradle, and with a nauseating feeling in her stomach and a head
that seemed too small to hold back the pounding within, Cindy made
her way back to her room and flung herself on her bed.

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