Page 20 - Contrast1958Springv2n2
P. 20

had forgotten me."

      As she moved closer to Mike, Cindy felt her heart sink and a
small voice inside mocked, "Don't get involved, young lady; it will

only mean trouble for you and everybody else." Cindy squelched the
voice and thought defiantly, I know what to do, how could you ex-
pect me to forget my place.

"You still with me, or thinking about someone else?"

"Goodness no, I'm right here. I did wander a little though, but

just thinking again how nice everything here is."                  ,

      "Say, Cindy, I know that this is short notice and that you don t

know much about me, but let's make an opportunity to get acquainted.
How about a movie Saturday night?"

      Cindy hesitated, she didn't want to hurt Mike's feelings, but what

could she say? Why did she have to be a woman anyway? Why couldn't

she dislike Mike and just refuse? But the truth was she wanted to go,
and she said so.

"Great, I'll pick you up at eight o'clock. It's late now though, and

time for you to be getting in. Mustn't give you the impression that

we guys try to tempt freshmen girls to be late or anything."       "

"Oh, I didn't think that Mike. But you're right; I do have to go.
"See you then."

"Good night."

       Saturday night was Upon Cindy before she knew it, because usual-
ly when she looked forward to something the days dragged. The
week had been a busy one, full of good times and new people.

      During the movie they only made comments to one another about
the acting, but afterwards at the Varsity Shop, conversation flowed

       "Mike, tel! me all about your plans for research. Do you want
to discover a cure for something?"

       "You don't want to hear about research tonight. Tell me about
you. How 'bout it?"

       Cindy swallowed hard, why couldn't Mike just answer her ques-
tions-why make the evening difficult? "There's nothing spectacular
in my past. Please tell me about the school and the things that go on
during the year."

      "I'd rather hear about you. But if you insist ... "
      "Yes, I do." Cindy's voice was too gay and too light. Then Mike
started in with some of his personal stories, and as often happened,

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