Page 17 - Contrast1958Springv2n2
P. 17

saying the right thing at the right time.
       "She couldn't stand the sight of them together. The Gold Dust

Twins she called them, but that wasn't enough. She had to spread
vile rumors-'queer' was her favorite word. Oh, 'queer' means some-
thing filthy, vile, something you can't deny, something you can't escape.
She said she had proof, no, she didn't prove it, but they believed be-

cause it seemed easier.
       "A very successful campaign, every word a success, every lie a big

success. I hope she's very happy."
      The tears didn't come, but strangled her. Janet didn't see the

expression on Mrs. Grant's face as she got up and moved to another
seat. "Don't believe," she screamed, but that died on her lips. Every-
one believes a lie, a cruel, sneering lie you can't escape.

      When Janet got off the bus at the next stop she couldn't help
hating the eyes that stared after her, eyes that believed a lie.


And suddenly--
          the bough is lace

   As though in night the sun broke thru.

'!\Then came they to this glory?

Yesterday was bare,    up-and see!
--And suddenly--Look

Even the bark's turned green
Same old bark, but hit by Spring.
Makes a difference how the mood is
When you look out on the world.

One day's winter-

Next day's Spring.
Some times things and folks are heated-

Like summer        as a winter snow.
Other times-dead   the bark's turned green.
Rizht now-Even
                                                           CLAUDIA PAYNE

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