Page 57 - YB1995
P. 57
rPEEK LOXIETIEL (GREEK SOCIETIES) If you asked, as I have, each Greek society at WMC to stale its president James Felton, Phi Delta Theta "promotes brotherhood, as purp~~;get the same three-fold answer all around the :-veil as excellence in ~cademics. and philanth~opic servic~ese are boa~n . c demics, and ,service. The,se three ideals seem to Just of few example~o thHilrecelved. ~ be those W tc In orh fraternities and sororities at WMC. Inadditionto thein . ur sees, erearetwolarger~zatio~s There are a number of these groups on the campus, and they are very which serve Greek an c s a whole. The Panjellemc visible" ThefraternitieSin.clUde~~, ,G, amma Beta Chi, Council is designed to foster relations among the sor~and to and PhI ~heta, while th~t¥ ~pus are Alpha Nu organize and oversee rush. The Inter-Greek Council, acEOrdUJg to its Omega, P~ha Mu, Phi Mu, and Phi Sigma SIgma. Some are president. Donna Munson, promotes "the ideals of the Greek system to national a~e are loe,ai, but they all seem to Sh,aresomeoft~e the WMC community, as well as to insure harmonious relations among goals. ~ ~ As an ex[mple, the Ph] Alpha Chapter ofth,ePhi Mu FratemilS!' th'M'~'ns." enneating purpose of the Greek societies at Tis for such p~ropic endeavors as Project Hope and the Chi n's WM is t a efu , o if Greek life seems right for you, you are urged Miracle Network. Alpha Nu Omega stnves toward its g~ f to get involved. sisterhood through unity, diversity, and friendship. According to P~ter Masun. Jason Clark. Andrew Hess. Chip Dickey. Dan Deluca; 2nd row: Timothy Reilly. Doug Yarroll. Brett Edwards. Zippy Mickie. Dan Verrastro, Dave Maschke. Kevin Bernhardt; 3rd row: Kurt Michelsen. Mike Eves. Rick Estes. Arman Latif. David Kurtz. Jay Devito; 4th row: Brian Kaywork. Joe Flemming. Steve West, Phil Sirnrnerer.Clay McA.llister. Terry Hcintze.Chris. LeCron; 5th row: Chris Lee. Ross Hollebon, TJ.Scammell.James Organizations 53
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