Page 48 - YB1991
P. 48
Tim Michael adds a nc,,' twist to the adage "An apple a day Kathleen Hatcher takes Mikl" Kubacki rig~ UTes. when all else fails. pray! Areas of Study Let's face the facts: when it comes to niche to achieve the perfect mindset. studying, we all avoid it like the plague. Senior Wendy Skidmore has some ad- But it must be done if we're ever to fulfill vice for the underclassmen. "You have to our highest expectations (or just graduate budget your study lime with your social form here!). So to make studying a little time." Leanne Carson, (ptl'f sister, ex- less painful, a comfortable setting and plains, "1 like studying in my room. It's proper atmosphere are a must. Whether too noisy 10 study in the library." But it's sitting in a chair. laying on a bed, when asked where she liked to study, Kim meditating in the Quad, Of perching on a Vermette seemed to have the best answer: windowsill. we all find OUf own private "I don't!" 44 .. Academics
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