Page 26 - YB1991
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At least they have a bike rack out. Socializing always takes place in the side Decker Center! Commuter Mott lounges in Decker. Wade Fonnin ond Cook is thankful he con leave his bike in Bonnie Grady sit and chat between clas The Spot here can WMC stu- it Warm and comfortable with dents go to pick up an occasional lire in the fireplace W mail, register for in the winter and cooled by air courses, eat lunch, buy a greet- conditioning in the early fall and ing card, or just hang out? Deck- late spring, it is a refuge from er College Center is, of course, the irregular temperatures of the the answer! dorm rooms. Commuters don't As some tour quldes tell pro- mind spending time between spective students, "If you can't classes either doing homework, find it anyplace else on campus, reading, or talking in a lounge you can find it at Decker Can- Several special activities were ter." This is because this student held in Decker Center this year, center was designed for the con- The annual "Ringing in the Hol- venience of the student. Besides idays" celebration with enter housing offices such as the Reg tainmen! and refreshments was istrar, Student Accounts, Stu put on by Alumni Affairs. Mov- dent Affairs, and CAPBoard, it ies, Casino Nights, and dances holds several lounges, the earn- galore were held in the Forum in~s ~:i~~~'t~hee~::~,s~~~' !:::::; ~~~~~g:odu~c~~:n;e:~d H;:;:n~:: .~.I!::==:::~:=::::: other special areas. Board meetings were held in the Decker is a prime spot on Freeman Room and the Presi- campus because of its location dent's Dining Room. Several art and convenience. In the center and photography collections were of campus, Decker is within a displayed in the central lounge. couple of minutes of each of the But even when something spe- dorms. In fact residents of Rouz- cial wasn't going on, Decker er and Elderdice don't even have Center still seemed to be the to set foot out of doors to reach place to be! WMC this week! To find out what's going on all over campus. Christine ConĀ· try stops by the counter in Decker to grab the latest news 22 ... Student Life
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