Page 16 - YB1991
P. 16
Shaping Up he fitness :raze of the '90s ttveness of organized teams has hit Western Aerobics is still a favored form T Maryland College's stu- of exercise among college worn- dent body. You no longer have en, hut gone are the days of Jane to be involved in college sports Fonda's "No pain, no gain" no to be in shape. Many WMC stu- lion. The college offers a course dents choose to work out on their in aerobics for credit in the eve own or with a group of friends nings, but it is also open to any The weight room is a popular interested students. The classes work-out spot for both males and are usually packed with women females who want to tone and not enrolled in the class, which define their bodies. In the after- goes to prove the '90s desire for noons, you can always find a few a fit body. If you were to wander people clad in colorful running through some of the students' shorts and tights jogging around rooms, you would find that they the track or just through the are working-out in the privacy of campus. Sports, of course, are their dorms. Rowing machines, still the most popular way to get stationary bikes, and free- riding in shape. Many people choose a bicycles crowd many college good, challenging game of tennis dorm rooms. Being in shape at or basketball among friends for Western Maryland College Kevin Wetzel shows that not all ex- Erik Siano strains under the weight wh;je erdse works up a sweat. his buddy Stu Pearlman stands by laughing Fitness is everywhere, not just in the gym 12 ~ Life
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