Page 20 - YB1991
P. 20
Renee Rabolg shows her parents the See now, Tom Perusscl Glar food construction as the new library nears isn't all that bad. IAt least not on par Family Matters he success of Parent's ended up defeating the Swarth Weekend, November 2-4, more Garnet Tide 15·14. The T proved that the family is beautiful sprtnq-Itke weather still an important part of made the picnic at the caboose everyone's life. Parents came even more enjoyable. from all over to visit with their After the game, parents were children and see the Western invited to visit the dorms and en- Maryland community. The Par joy the receptions put on by each ent's Board planned a full sched- dorm. Parents finally got to see ule for the visiting families so that where their kids really live and they could learn as much about who they really hang oul with. the WMC campus as possible in The Parent's Board held a re- a short period of time. The theme ception in Decker Lounge before for the weekend focused on how the grand finale of the weekend a liberal arts education will pre - the President's dinner. GLAR pare students for careers in the was packed and the food was, of '90s. The featured weekend course, much better than any- event was a panel discussion thing a normal student sees called "Career Choices and the every day. There was also a Par- Liberal Arts: Preparing for the ent's Weekend Dance where 21st Century" This presenta Mom and Dad could "trip the tion was very well attended by light fantastic" and students parents and was a particular could sit and hope no one knew highlight of the weekend. Presi· that his father was the one swing- dent Robert Chambers summed ing that lady all around the dance it up best when he said "Major floor. ing in the act of college prepares Parent's Weekend was a great students to be ready for every success and all who attended had thing." (Many fathers breathed a good time. It's nice to know a sigh of relief at these reassur- that even in college the family is ing words: Liberal Arts does not still important. Activities like mean poverty!) Parent's Weekend renew OUT Other highlights of the week faith in the family as well as t e- end were the football game and assure our parents that, yes, we picnic. The WMC Terrors put on still need them! quite a show for the visitors and The Holoski family performed the Bil- ly Joel song "And So It Goes" at the parent's weekend dinner to everyone's 16 Life delight
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