Page 12 - YB1991
P. 12
A. <.:rowd gathers. The ~nn..,al poster Happy Returns I t was 1990. The first day of end of the day, after receiving , September 3, Labor Day, four syllabi and reahzinq that they had come. Many were even follow the texts that eager classes to get to class to see who didn't $245.98 in our bookstore, cost was in each of them, to compare we were each ready to sit back tans, and just to get back into and watch great educational pro- the routine of college. We all grams(?) on our ultimate guide to knew the year promised good the world, the television. You times. However, there were also never have homework on that those who wished they had an- first week anyway, right? other day to unpack, matricu- The week seemed to drag, but late, sign loan checks, buy books, looking back, it went quickly. visit every on-campus friend, and Everyone was ready for the first sleep until noon. weekend, as parties were being But off to class we went, with held all over campus, and spirit only a few hours of sleep after was high. All sorts of welcome talking or drinking all night with back activities kept us busy, too, old friends or new roommates such as the BSU dance in the Some swore never to take a 7:50 Forum and the picnic on the again; some even decided to Quad. After the novelty of the change their major after they first week wore off, however, it found out what the 200 and 300 was back to normal days and level courses were like. By the nights at WMC Mlk.J.k09"" 8 ~ L1f,
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