Page 14 - YB1991
P. 14
The SiS Eps show off their Cheech and Chong van In the parade 1990 Homecoming Court: Amy Bell, Kourtney Sweeney, Queen Kelly Carpenter, King Rich Edwards, Christine Cina, John Micka: not pictllrecl: Gannon Mikesell, Tony Spagnola Celebration! he game was tied al sev- was the major theme, displaying en with one minute left on our campus- wide concern for the T the clock. Western Mary- environment. All of the floats land had possession and was were made completely from reo moving in on the goal line. With cyled materials! a one-yard dive, Eric Frees After the parade, it was on to erupted over the Dickinson de- some serious tailgating, Half of fense to score the winning touch- us missed most of the game be- down with 52 seconds left in the cause there was so much "activ- game. Family members, alumni, ity" up on the Hill! Alumni can- friends, and faculty streamed on- opies, sorority and fraternity to the field to congratulate the groups, and concession stands first WMC team to win a Home- dotted the crowd. The halftime coming game since 1982. Short- activities included presentations ly afterward, the goalposts came of the 1990 Homecoming Court, tumbling down despite security's the Alumnus of the Year award, noble efforts! the Young Alumnus Service The football game was the high award, and the James Brant Me- point of all the Homecoming ac- morial Cup which went to the so- tivities. The men's and women's rority Phi Sigma Sigma. soccer teams and field hockey Later that night, alumni and squad all played at home. The students alike celebrated at re- parade that came up Main Street unions and parties all over earn- braved the wet weather and was pus. For some reason, it seemed met by an enthusiastic crowd. campus security and the resl- Campus organizations were well- dance life staff were pretty easy represented on the many floats on us that night. Or was that just and in walking groups. Recycling our imagination? 10 Life
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