Page 8 - YB1991
P. 8
A sunny SPOI on campus dent with the perfect tween classes In many ways we displayed our campus spirit and con- cerns. The football team had a winning season, and many supporters showed up on the Hill. Recycling programs took off with the addition of more barrels for aluminum cans and for scrap paper. The new Political Action Co- alition was formed. Students joined together to express their concerns over communication with the administra- tion. Faculty course load was lessened to allow professors to concentrate on fewer classes and, consequently, to spend more time with students. International incidents also claimed our attention as friends and family members went to the Persian Gulf region; opinions varied as many rallied against the war, while others expressed full support of our troops. These changes, as well as others, added up to a full year of activity on our campus. Following our personal inter- ests, we became involved.We were there. Case in point. 4 ~ Opening
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