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Winter Studies A t most colleges in the United lee on a boat "was a spiritual so much in the to to experience States, the academic year in- mentioned be in a place cludes two four-month semes- Bible." Bill David led a group of students and spring ters and a winter Mayan Ru- Belize and Guatemala to study break. Maryland, At Western there is a built in option of one month inten- ins and the Belize Reef. "It was great to be in was freezing everyone in the sun while sive study in a specific interest area, called Maryland," according to Laurence Steck January Term. who is from France and had never been to This year, the courses included the read- Central America. She will always remem- ing and discussion of the Chronicles oj ber "climbing a pyramid at Tikal, in Guate- Narnia by C.S. Lewis, the study of Oriental mala, and having the sun bask my face Rug making and a focus on parody in the while parrots and toucans flew overhead." Psychology of Humor. Dr. Alles taught a Her roommate, Claire Thevenoux spent class called the Plain People which dis- New Year's Eve in the streets of Paris with cussed the Menonites, Amish and Breth- the women's basketball team. "It was defi- ren. According to Doug Gauld, not only nitely an experience for everyone to become was it interesting, "it was good for a free a part of the spontaneity of the Parisians lunch" while visiting Pennsylvania. when they celebrate," said Claire. For those students who weren't satisfied What makes Jan. Term at WMC special by the selection of available courses, or sim- is not just the opportunity to travel or the ply had their own ideas, they could design specific topics of study, but the way profes- their own program. Internships or special sors are more able to be on a one-an-one studies also received credit for Jan. Term, basis with the students. Not only are the and they included song writing and jewelry classes smaller than usual, but as Laura making plus many others. Tull puts it, "the topics have the tendency Some fortunate students got credit for to be what professors are really interested traveling and learning about a culture dif- in, but don't have the time to go into during ferent from OUT own. Western Maryland the regular semester." Laura took Business study tours usually include more traditional Topics in Literature, and she was on a one- tourist trips, and because of their length on-one basis with her instructor. and depth, many found them personally en- The completion of one Jan. Term is re- riching. For Laurie Prochaska, who went quired for graduation, but many students on the Middle East Study Tour of Jordan, return for January after they realize what On Self Defense for Women:"lt's a class that Israel, and Egypt, crossing the Sea of Gali- an interesting and relaxing time it is. When every girl on campus you can learn about something you've al- should take. It focused "I learned more about ways been interested in or even travel for a notonlyonrapebya life during those three month, who would want to miss it? As stranger. but on date weeks in Philosophy of rape;signstolookforand Love than I have in the Laurence Steck said, "It was incredible." situations to avoid in or- der to protect yourself- " Nona Green
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