Page 42 - YB1990
P. 42
Waiting for hi. name to be called, Preparation., . Ron Fergusen is me~. Ben Gonzalez sits next to Ted Graves sllred for his c~p What's Important? These seniors tell ~ll who helped Ihem out, how they feel, day when the seniors wanted time to fly by. A day of waiting for every speaker and every name to be called. A day to finally be graduated. And that's what it was. A day laureate degrees were given, which everyone approached dif- honorary degrees were present- ferently. Some seniors slept in ed to distinguished recipients. late and missed a shower, and And, after David Ross's senior others were up early to catch the class farewell, Dr. Chamber's champagne brunch. There were closing remarks, and the singing problems: what to wear, how to of the Alma Mater, the new make the cap look right (and stay alumni went from the gymnasi- on), walking into the gym proper um double file to meet their ly, needing to use the bathroom, friends and family on the outside. wanting to be outside, and hating The 1990 Graduation made when Dad got up really close to many smiles. And hugs. And take a picture. tears. There were sad good-byes, The 1990 Graduation includ- warm hellos, and for all - ac ed greetings from the students, complishment. Along with the parents, and faculty and a choral success of the completion of presentation of Go Ye Children (more or less) four years of pa- Melissa Hallmark received the pers, parties, exams, tight sched- Argonaut Award for the highest ules, summer jobs, and many GPA and Anne Bontekoe, from achievements, there was also North Carroll High School, was fear. The real world was just be- honored as the Distinguished yond the quad, and the seniors High School Teacher for 1990, felt it. Before the Master's and Bacca- - Kimberly Hildebrand 83 Greduafion
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