Page 39 - YB1990
P. 39
How do you make the decillion? Tony Rosas shuffles through the CD se- lecncn at Record World Proerastlnafe hat do you do when you have too much work to face, not enough money to buy a case, and could be spotted at Little too little time for anything? Go George's. The necessities there shopping, of course! were munchies, sodas, and ciga Students at WMC have prob- rettes. And, when they closed, ably spent more time in local the 7·eleven business boomed stores not buying anything [un- At night, especially on week. less it's a record store) than all of ends, we headed south on 140 to Westminster combined, We have satisfy our 2 A.M. cravings for gone shopping to avoid papers, Oreo's and Ben and Jerry's ice exams, and relationship prob- cream. lams And usually we have re Another place to shop is the turned to campus empty hand- Mission Store on Main Street. ed. This year, students from the The most frequented shop. campus who needed furnishings ping center, Cranberry Mall, is for their apartment or dorm close to school and has enough of rooms went to the Mission for in. a variety of stores to keep sorne- expensive solutions, one busy for an hour. However, When we had hit all the worth. for a better selection students while shops in town, we returned drove or bummed a ride to Ow- to campus to face the work, or to ings Mills Mall in Reisterstown. procrastinate some more. At any time between 7 A.M Shopping re and 10 P.M. a WMC student ~ Kimberly Hildebrand
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