Page 47 - YB1990
P. 47
Reaching our. Ira Zepp gestures as he explains a Par Blackman, a Reli- gious Studies major. lis- icns anentively in one of his classes Tolerance r , Ira G. Zepp is, without a Ahisma (non-violence) for a week. In his doubt, a very special teach- Liberation Movement and Human Free- er. Through his classes, ac- dom class, a class he designed 20 years or so cording to Wade Fannin ago, "well ahead of his time," added Fan- il(Class of 1991), not only nin, he exposes the students to the issues of does he educate his students, he also affects racism, sexism and homophobia by inviting their hearts. And knowing that, I was in guest speakers to present different sides of anticipation when I took one of his classes the issues. He does that "to let them make last semester. After all, Dr. Zepp is a leg- their own decision" said Fannin. And stu- end of his own kind on the Western Mary- dents taking Mysticism go and spend a few land College campus! days in a monastery or convent to exper- Dr. Zepp teaches several classes ience one particular aspect of religious life. throughout the year, including Ways of Be- I certainly enjoyed my class with Dr. ing Religious, Liberation Movements and Zepp. It taught me to become open to a new Human Freedom, Mysticism, Gandhi and way of seeing life, without necessarily ac- Tagore, and Life and Thoughts of Martin cepting nor adopting it. He is a teacher of Luther King, Jr. His approach to teaching Tolerance. "Dr. Zepp is a big contribution is very exciting. He gives us regular assign- to Western Maryland College," added ments such as readings and papers, but he Fannin. "He has brought humane change punctuates them with fascinating others. in people. He celebrates diversity and has For instance, in his Gandhi and Tagore made life easier for lots and lots of people, class, students are asked either to fast for a helping them come to terms with them- few days - to get in touch with Gandhi's selves." Isn't it what religion is all about? Zepp <:::>v own purification process, or to practice Laurence Steck (':0.
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