Page 40 - YB1990
P. 40
Speaking on the Islamic religinn, Serious about the environment, Eric Earth to Man A pril 22, 1990 was the twentieth anniversary of the first Earth Day where students and citizens gathered to celebrate the earth and nature. The second Earth Day was celebrated on this anniversary nationwide. Many W.M.C. students attend- special service was held at Har- ed the programs held in Baltt- veystone pavillion, Reverend more and Washington D.C., Laura Lee Wilson led the group where movie personalities and in communing with nature. Sev- popular music groups spoke and eral students also spoke their performed for the celebration. personal concerns. Later that The purpose of this Earth Day night, William Sloan Coffin ad- was to increase awareness of the dressed many students, faculty, necessity of environmental can and community members on the cern. topic "for the World to Sur- At W.M.C. we observed vive". Coffin, currently presl- "Earth Week", an entire week dent of the peace organization filled with activities, speakers, SANE/fREEZE, was chaplain to and programs culminating with Yale University from 1957 to Earth Day and keynote speaker 1975 during the time of the first William Sloane Coffin, Jr. Earth Day. On the issue of eccl. Throughout this eye-opening ogy, Coffin stood firm explaining week, Walt Michaels and Corn- that the problems of the environ- pany made melodies and told ment must be dealt with now. AcĀ· stories. The importance of recy- cording to him, it would take only ding and water conservation 77 billion dollars to "dean up" were stressed. Posters urging us the earth while the nation's da- to give up meat for just one day fense budget is 306 billion dollars were visible on the bulletin board annually. Coffin encouraged all next to GJar. The Student Envi- to set out to improve their small ronmental Action Coalition en- part of the world, stressing the couraged us to write to our sena- fact that even small groups of tors and representatives with concerned people can make the ecological concerns. changes that are necessary. On Sunday, Earth Day itself, a
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